Seed Treatment

For most arable growers, seed treatments have become a standard management practice to enhance crop establishment and get seedlings off to a healthy start. Seed treatments provide good early-season control of seed-borne and soil borne diseases and insect pests in cereals. Used correctly, seed treatments can often improve yield and quality, provide peace of mind and produce a solid return on investment.

Top-end yield potential starts with matching the right genetics or cultivar to your paddock. We help you protect your yield potential with the following options:

  • Wheat: Rancona Dimension + Poncho
  • Winter Barley: Raxil Star + Poncho
  • Spring Barley: Raxil Star +/- Poncho or Systiva + Poncho

Rancona® Dimension

Rancona Dimension

For the control or suppression of the major seed borne and soil borne diseases in cereals, maize and sweetcorn.

  • Two different mode of action fungicides provide seamless disease control.
  • Wide disease spectrum: Fusarium spp, Snow mould (M. nivale), Rhizoctonia, Pythium, Loose Smut, Covered Smut, Bunt, Head smut.
  • Excellent seed safety, rapid seedling establishment & excellent seedling vigour.
  • Compatible with other seed treatment fungicides and insecticides

®Rancona is a registered trademark of MacDermid Agricultural Solutions Inc and is registered pursuant to the ACVM act 1997.


Raxil Star

Raxil Star

Raxil Star is a broad spectrum cereal seed treatment that combines three powerful and complementary fungicides. Use Raxil Star and you can be confident your crop will be protected against all principle seed-borne diseases.

  • Raxil Star contains three different fungicides, from two fungicide groups, ensuring great protection for your seed.
  • Raxil Star gives unbeatable loose smut control. Infection by loose smut has a devastating impact but in trials carried out at Lincoln, Raxil Star has given 97% control under intense infection pressure.
  • Raxil Star + Peridiam Active 109, in mixture with Poncho, provides cost-effective, broad spectrum disease and pest control with the convenience of excellent flowability and dust reduction.



Cost-effective high-level protection against key foliar as well as seed-borne and soil-borne diseases in barley and wheat, with the bonus of a yield-boosting ‘Systiva Effect’.

  • Unmatched mobility and systematicity within the plant for a seed treatment make Systiva’s disease control exceptionally reliable.
  • Steady uptake over an extended period protects the young crops through emergence and well into the season – right up to GS 55 for barley against scald.
  • That long-lasting control reduces the need for foliar sprays, especially early on, which in turn can cut the total cost of treatments for the crop.
  • The ‘Systiva Effect’ boosts yield potential through a combination of agronomic benefits that include high rates of germination and emergence, enhanced coleoptile growth, a stronger root system and increased biomass.
  • The benefits of using Systiva’s advanced SDHI chemistry at the start of the season enable follow-up fungicides with other modes of action to build on the strong start, making it the most productive timing for SDHI use.
BASF Confidence Grows Here



Proven pest control that ‘grows with the crop’ as Poncho is transported through the growing seedlings to keep repelling pests through the critical establishment phase.

  • Broad-spectrum protection against attack from pests both above and below the soil surface.
  • Excellent control of aphids – the vector that spreads barley yellow dwarf virus – and Argentine stem weevils.
  • Poncho is released from the seed immediately after sowing, forming a protective halo around the seed which promotes better crop emergence and helps to maximise yield.
  • Poncho’s systemic mode of action keeps protecting wheat crops up to GS 21.
  • Poncho acts as a contact poison, antifeedant and insect repellent.
BASF Confidence Grows Here

Peridiam Active 109

Peridiam Active 109

An innovative film coat for cereals.

  • After several seasons of use, Peridiam Active 109 is established as the ideal film coat for cereals. Peridiam Active 109 delivers excellent dust control and visual seed appearance along with the benefit of the essential trace elements molybdenum, zinc and manganese.
  • Through reduced dust emissions Peridiam Active 109 improves operator safety, improves seed storage stability and results in very high quality seed.
  • The excellent coverage properties of Peridiam Active 109 results in a great looking seed or uniform appearance.
  • Peridiam Active 109 has excellent viscosity properties with good flowability across a broad temperature range resulting in easy application, straight forward bagging and improved planting.
  • Peridiam Active 109 delivers three very important nutrients directly to the seed supporting early plant development and aiding your crops to get off to the best possible start.

For further information please contact

Nick Brooks

Product Development Manager Christchurch